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The information and contents published on this site are provided by Themis Capital SA in Lausanne.
All of the information published on this site is for information purposes and is only intended for in accordance with art. 10 para. 3 and 3ter CISA. The contrary provisions mentioned in the articles of association shall remain reserved. The information accessible on the site may under no circumstances constitute a basis for an investment decision or be considered as a recommendation to purchase.
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Themis Capital SA and CACEIS Fund Management (Switzerland) SA, Nyon take all possible steps to ensure that the information contained on the website is up-to-date, but do not provide any warranty as regards the accuracy or exhaustiveness of the information presented. They disclaim all liability for losses which could arise from using this information.
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CACEIS (Switzerland) SA and Themis Capital SA disclaim all liability for losses that could arise from using the information on this site.
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